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5W/30 Fully Synthetic Engine Oil, Castrol Magnatec Stop Start 4 Litres
5W/30 Fully Synthetic Engine Oil, Castrol Magnatec Stop Start 4 Litres
Item Code: S10788
Stock Code: S10788
£40.49 (Inc £48.59)

Castrol MAGNATEC STOP-START specifically protects your engine in busy traffic conditions, offering 20%** more protection from damaging stop-start engine wear. Castrol MAGNATEC STOP-START contains intelligent molecules that cling and form a self-healing layer, so it’s always ready to protect at each of the critical stages of stop-start driving.

Volume: 4 litres

4 Litres
SKU S10788

Castrol MAGNATEC STOP-START specifically protects your engine in busy traffic conditions, offering 20%** more protection from damaging stop-start engine wear. Castrol MAGNATEC STOP-START contains intelligent molecules that cling and form a self-healing layer, so it’s always ready to protect at each of the critical stages of stop-start driving.

Volume: 4 litres

4 Litres
SKU S10788
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