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Screen Wash ready to Use -20°C, 5 Litres
Screenwash ready to Use -20°C, 5 Litres
Item Code: S10714
Stock Code: S10714
£9.77 (Inc £11.72)

A high quality, ready to use all season screenwash with a pleasant fragrance and offering protection down to -20°C

The screenwash is 98% biodegradable, methanol free and has excellent cleaning power removing traffic film, insects, and dry or encrusted dirt. It provides a clear reflection free view.

SKU S10714

A high quality, ready to use all season screenwash with a pleasant fragrance and offering protection down to -20°C

The screenwash is 98% biodegradable, methanol free and has excellent cleaning power removing traffic film, insects, and dry or encrusted dirt. It provides a clear reflection free view.

SKU S10714
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